itc’s Immersive Sound System Successfully Deployed in the Concert Hall at Zhanjiang Institute of Technology!

itc’s Immersive Sound System Successfully Deployed in the Concert Hall at Zhanjiang Institute of Technology!

Jan 23,2024

CNAS Level One Standard for Performance Amplification

Campuses are places for teaching and nurturing individuals, infused with humanistic spirit and exuberant artistic vitality. In recent times, in a bid to enhance cultural standards and improve the campus environment, Zhanjiang Institute of Technology has undertaken an upgrade and reconstruction of the New Lake Campus art building.

The new campus at Zhanjiang Institute of Technology covers an area of nearly 2000 acres, with 700,000 square meters of building area. As the largest and most influential private college in western Guangdong, with the care and support from various levels of party and government bodies, educational authorities, and the community, the institute's educational endeavors have made new strides, with improvements in teaching quality, education branding, and overall social image.

For this project, itc Borun leveraged architectural language to plan and design around the art building's spatial layout and functional characteristics, creating a modern campus environment that is functionally rational, spatially intelligent, and integrates art and informatization through creative and digital construction.

Multifunctional Music Lecture Hall:

According to itc's Sound Field Director, He Lizheng, the construction of the multifunctional music lecture hall aims to serve both lecture and music hall purposes, with vastly different requirements in terms of reverberation time. From the initial stage of project design, the design team has been very attentive to user needs, striving to strike a balance between the two.

In response to the escalating demands for performances, itc's immersive sound system, along with the exceptional performance series professional sound amplification system, have been employed to provide targeted sound reinforcement, delivering precise three-dimensional acoustics to approximately 90% of the audience seating area. The immersive sound system also incorporates UWB real-time positioning tracking, achieving sound that follows the movements of individuals, providing a synesthetic experience to live audiences where hearing and sight fuse subconsciously. Additionally, in line with the users' needs for the music hall, a set of stage sound reflection screens has been installed, primarily for unplugged music performances. Through sound reflection, the natural sounds of people and musical instruments are perfectly reproduced and projected onto the audience seats, suitable for performances such as orchestras, ensembles, and choruses.

Addressing the needs for conferences, the itc exceptional performance series professional sound amplification system provides clear high tones, powerful and round mid-tones, and full, soft bass tones, achieving improved sound projection. Additionally, when paired with a digital conference system featuring advantages such as ultra-long-distance sound pickup and the restoration of pure human voices, it supports a variety of sound amplification needs within the lecture hall, delivering an exceptional auditory experience for audiences.

Moreover, the space incorporates a rich and versatile stage lighting system, displaying comfortable and pleasant stage atmospheres and immersive visual effects through adjustments in the brightness, color temperatures, and angles of devices such as moving headlights, film and television lights, and fixed color lights. Furthermore, itc stage equipment and stage curtains contribute to the stage's decoration, elevating the performance effect in a comprehensive and multi-dimensional manner.

The itc LED display screen features 4K ultra-clear display, providing clear, smooth images, delicately and realistically reproducing colors without causing eye fatigue. Its intelligent color temperature adjustment restores authentic colors, while its nanosecond-level response time eliminates the trailing and ghosting phenomena encountered with LCD and DLP when processing fast-moving dynamic images. These attributes align with the requirements for lecture hall meetings, teaching, and presentations, making content expression more direct and vivid.

The itc conference recording system enables comprehensive high-definition recording of meetings, training, lectures, and performance processes, ensuring that every splendid moment is vividly and accurately recorded in real-time. The recorded content can be centrally stored in the network, and retrieved, played back, copied, burned, and shared as needed, aiding teachers in exploring innovative teaching and learning methods, promoting campus digital construction, and reforming practical activities.

Functioning as an intelligent housekeeper, the itc central control system seamlessly integrates and operates a combination of equipment such as spliced screens, projectors, cameras, lighting, and electronic window curtains into a single unit, with adjustments and controls at the user's fingertips. The system enhances the operational and management efficiency of the multifunctional lecture hall, realizing interconnectivity, intercommunication, and intercontrol.

Following professional and comprehensive testing by laboratories with CNAS and CMA qualifications, itc's immersive sound and exceptional performance professional amplification system have met Level One Standard acoustic indices for performance amplification systems, including Speech Transmission Index (STI), transmission frequency characteristics, and maximum sound pressure level, among others.

Music and Dance Comprehensive Performance Hall:

The music and dance comprehensive performance hall is an arena for the organization and arrangement of programs, content, and forms, as well as the execution of artistic practices and stage performances. itc's LED screen displays are flexible and colorful, primarily for switching scene backdrops during student performances, while the stage lighting is colorful and dazzling, creating splendid effects and making every performance appear dreamlike and pleasing to the eye.

This project is the first application case of an immersive sound system in a domestic brand, fully showcasing itc Borun's robust technical capabilities and profound technical heritage, contributing strength to the rise of domestic brands. In the future, itc Borun will continue to cater to modern market demands, adhere to industry standards, and connect global users with more immersive sound experiences that are richer, clearer, and more impactful.